Thursday, May 7, 2009

Can i get preganat if i have an Ovarian Cyst?

yes i had two babies one year apart with cyst and endometrosis too. doctor will say no and you will need surgury but i got lupron shots that helped. sue

Can i get preganat if i have an Ovarian Cyst?
Reply:From what I have been told yes although it can be very difficult but it can happen
Reply:Yep! They found out I had one on my left ovary when I was pregnant with my first daughter, and it's actually gotten bigger they found out since I am pregnant with my second! They checked it and it's just a cyst and not cancer or anything. So....I know ya can!
Reply:If you are still ovulating off that ovary, then yes. Otherwise, you will need to wait until you are ovulating on the other ovary to get pregnant. It depends on your body - I had an ovarian cyst that prevented ovulation and caused me to not get pregnant.
Reply:I was diagnosed with PCOS. I had surgery for it at 16 and got pregnant at 17 with my first (we were careful but hey stuff happens) I'm 22 now and still have cysts but am happily pregnant with our second child (due in Jan). It's totally possible

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