Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the best type of wrist brace to wear for ganglion cyst stabalization?

I had a very stubborn ganglion that would not respond to aspiration, immobilization or surgery. After the 3rd surgery, it finally was gone for good and I haven't had any re-occurance for the last 20 years. They put some kind of special mesh covering over my wrist bones that made the cyst unable to grow back.

What is the best type of wrist brace to wear for ganglion cyst stabalization?
If you just had your cyst aspirated you can get a standard wrist brace that covers your forearm and goes down to your hand (similar to a bowling brace) you can pick them up at any drug store. This will immobilize your wrist for a few days while the wrist comes back into place naturally. If you still have the cyst and you are trying to immobilize it... if it is giving you that much trouble see your doctor and have them drain it. Well worth the visit. I just had mine drained again an this time the doc shot it full of cortiszone. Seems to have done the trick.

Good Luck!


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