Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why is it so hard to get pregnant,with having ovarian cyst. For others who get pregnant easily?

So how do you know ,when your ovulating with ireggular periods.

Why is it so hard to get pregnant,with having ovarian cyst. For others who get pregnant easily?
I have PCOS(poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and hte way my doc explained it to my hubby and family while I was still under the surgery meds , my ovaries have a hard shell around them consisting of small cysts and so that shell could not be punctured by either and egg or sperm , that is why I was not ovuating and could not become pregnant. He perscribed me clomid, along with the Metformin I was already taking. That caused my ovaries to swell large enough to force ovulaiton and also make them swell large enough to crack the shell allowing the egg to be released/sperm to enter and be fertilized. may not be the same in your case but somehting you may want to ask your doctor about. My first cycle of 50mgs of clomid was not enough to crack the shell , on 2nd cycle and he raised it to 100mg and ovuated just fine 2dpo now and hoping we suceeded!! Fingers Crossed!!

Good Luck to you!
Reply:I am not sure but when you find out please let me know because I am in the same boat. I have been trying for 8 months and nothing yet.

I wish you the best.
Reply:everyone has cyst.(females) just some effect other diff. i have them and some times i bent over in pain and the next month i wont feel anything. i dont thin it effects getting pregnant though.

buy a ovulation kit.

good luck
Reply:Ovarian cysts release extra estrogen into your body. High estrogen levels can keep you from ovulating or cause egg quality to be poor. Usually, doctors will need to treat the cyst/s until they go away or at least stop producing extra estorgen before you will be able to get pregnant.
Reply:i would love to know to, i am also in the same boat. I am on day 42 of my cycle so far and have cramping mood swings, spots and sharp pains from my left ovary. CM is constantly changing and most days have sore/painful breasts.

Was comfirmed with PCOS but all hormone levels normal!

Is just a never ending guessing game.

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