Saturday, April 24, 2010

What type of sugary do they use to remove a benign cyst?

its a minor surgery to remove a cyst. local anesthesia injected directly around the cyst. there'll be several injections around the site. the surgery takes less than an hour. you can probably go home around an hour or 2.

the only problem would be taking care of the incision. keep it clean. and change the dressing everyday while applying antiseptic. you can use over the counter dressing (something like stickers) to prevent it from getting wet when you take a bath.

don't worry. majority of it is benign.

What type of sugary do they use to remove a benign cyst?
that would be a cut and splice routine.
Reply:Was very tempted to say castor or demerera. Usually an incision to remove the cyst and surrounding tissue.. Depends on where it is and size. Sometimes can use keyhole micro surgery to minimise scarring but not always, You doctor or consultant will advise you .
Reply:Sugary? No, they use molasses.
Reply:A cystectomy.

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