Monday, November 16, 2009

I am 20 weeks pregnant and have a large ovarian cyst,what are the treatment options?

I dont think you have any until you have delivered. which maybe early depending on the size of the cyst.If they deliver bt caesar section they could remove the cyst at the same time.

I am 20 weeks pregnant and have a large ovarian cyst,what are the treatment options?
You should be asking your doctor this question!!!
Reply:Prayer....I have had these before and there is nothing the doctor can do while you are pregnant. However if that cyst were to rupture it could cause trauma to your fetus which could lead to miscarriage. I had a huge one that lead to this....relax and get plenty of rest. Drink lots of fluids to keep your fluid levels up and check with the doctor to see what other options you have to avoid danger to your baby. Good Luck.
Reply:you have to do surgical removal of the overian cyst as soon as possiple
Reply:I had a cist on my left ovary, and with no warning, around 18 weeks I ended up in the emergency room with pains worse than labor. My options were have the cyst removed and risk losing the baby, or deal with the pain and take pain meds which could hurt the baby anyway. I opted for the chance for a healthy baby and no cyst. Glad to say that everything went fine, a healthy baby girl was born naturally and right on time. I also did not lose my ovary, so I am now pregnant again with my 3rd child!
Reply:i'm 37 weeks pregnant and i have a large ovarian cyst as well, my doctor told me about 90% of women get them during pregancy and if it was something to worry about your doctor would have told you at your ultrasound...

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