Monday, November 16, 2009

Is it possible to get a very bad ingrown hair cyst on the scrotum?

In early January I had what appeared to be a small ingrown hair on the left side of my scrotum. I kind of picked at it for a little while but it didnt do anything so I left it alone. As time went on it got a little bigger. Now, for about the past month it stayed the same size, kind of hurt when rubbing against my leg walking and has some density to it. In the last week or two it has gotten pretty bad. It seems to be filled with fluid and hurts more than ever. IT has a little tiny white spot that appears when I apply a bit of pressure. The majority of it is a purplish color.

This "lump" isnt on my testicle, it is on the outside, on the scrotum. This has been here for about 2 months now. Any ideas what it might be?

Is it possible to get a very bad ingrown hair cyst on the scrotum?
Yes, it is a cyst. I had one exactly like yours about 6 months ago. The doctor said to wait a while, and it went away after about 4 months after I put a warm wash cloth on it twice a day per the doctor's instruction. The doctor told me that it might need to be lanced if it did not clear up. It was uncomfortable for me as well. You might want to see a doctor if you think it is not going away on its own.
Reply:It probably is an ingrown hair, but, you're going to need to see an MD due to the fact it's been there 2 months and has worsened.

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